I'm alive...I haven't wandered off...I swear I'm still here - but. My beloved, trusty, ole Mac actually did bite the big one - a little over a week ago. The very capable experts at my nearby Apple Store - fixed my computer, but from Thursday - Saturday, I was repeatedly unsuccessful at restoring my old files onto the new hard drive...including all 35,000 + pics....*sigh*
It wasn't until my fourth panicked call to the online site where my files were backed up - that the nice guy on the phone was able to successfully troubleshoot the problems I was having with retrieving my data, and from Saturday afternoon until now - 100k out of 150k files have been returned to their rightful spot on my refurbished Mac. Sadly though, none of my self-portraits have found their way there yet...rendering all photo-related activities here, as well as on my tumblr - suspended, until further notice.
I'm writing this puny, pictureless post on my children's computer (which for some reason - will not let me upload the newest batch of pics. that I have on my camera, curses!) - while I leave mine alone and in peace, to (hopefully) guide 7 years-worth of photos and videos - of my kids, of my friends and of myself, plus the thousands of pics. that I've snapped with my iPhone - safely back home again.
Although I'm extremely anxious in regards to the unknown whereabouts of my absurdly large collection of pics. - I haven't given up hope...and pending a happy ending to this mess (fingers crossed) I shall be properly blogging again before long...Thank you for your continued patience :)
It wasn't until my fourth panicked call to the online site where my files were backed up - that the nice guy on the phone was able to successfully troubleshoot the problems I was having with retrieving my data, and from Saturday afternoon until now - 100k out of 150k files have been returned to their rightful spot on my refurbished Mac. Sadly though, none of my self-portraits have found their way there yet...rendering all photo-related activities here, as well as on my tumblr - suspended, until further notice.
I'm writing this puny, pictureless post on my children's computer (which for some reason - will not let me upload the newest batch of pics. that I have on my camera, curses!) - while I leave mine alone and in peace, to (hopefully) guide 7 years-worth of photos and videos - of my kids, of my friends and of myself, plus the thousands of pics. that I've snapped with my iPhone - safely back home again.
Although I'm extremely anxious in regards to the unknown whereabouts of my absurdly large collection of pics. - I haven't given up hope...and pending a happy ending to this mess (fingers crossed) I shall be properly blogging again before long...Thank you for your continued patience :)
That sickening, life-sucking feeling when you have lost so much so quickly is not fun. Pictures of your family cannot be replaced. I hope you get all of it back.
ReplyDeletePS: I'm doing a backup right now.
Was an absolutely wretched feeling...The files are STILL slowly returning, and although I've been mostly too afraid to click around much on my computer while it's working - I did open some files yesterday, and found some self-portraits. There may be hope after all :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that you made tha wise decision to back your own stuff up! I wish this type of situation upon no one!
what a pain. i've got an airport/time machine setup that has bailed me out a couple times. highly recommended!