I'm not sure what my problem is exactly, but ever since taking this last (shamefully mediocre) set of selfpics while I was on Anguilla a few weeks ago - I haven't had even the slightest inclination to stage any new ones…could have something to do with the fact that a huge wave doused my camera only about a dozen pics. into this shoot - and that was pretty much the end of that (RIP Sony Cybershot #7...or wait…is it #8), and since I've been home - I haven't even so much as entertained the idea of going out to purchase its replacement. Making matters worse, I've also been draggin' my feet about setting aside time to update The Big Ugly. To be perfectly honest about it, I'm just not in much of a self-portraiture mood these days, and I literally have no explanation for why that is. "My Favorite" tells me not worry about it too much…he says that I'm just taking a bit of a sabbatical, that's all…I reckon he's thinking that before too terribly long, I'll find myself diving back into dash photography with a renewed sense of enthusiasm - just as I've done in the past whenever I've lost steam for brief periods of time. But I havta say, something feels decidedly different this time…I feel sorta like I'm all washed up…and on the brink of closing this chapter of my life...