Thursday, August 29, 2013

Gotta Lose The Spare Tire

Another self-portrait from my shoot, earlier this week (which I enjoyed immensely, in case I forgot to mention it). Now I realize that the content in this image makes virtually no sense, but so what...right? Right.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I Was Framed

"Thanks!' to my two friends who turned me on to this remarkable location, plus a handful of other possible venues in which to shoot!!! After four hours of staging self-portraits at this killer spot, I've still got plenty of pics. yet to share! 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

This One Just Came Outta the Swamp...

The theme for last week's Big Ugly Land of Oz self-portraiture challenge, was "Water". Why I chose to stage my self-shots in a nasty, fly-infested, stanky, mucky, cow poopy pond - I'll never know...but oddly enough - despite ending up with lacerated and badly bruised hands, along with a foot and ankle so cut up and infected, that I was pretty sure I was gonna end up with MRSA - I felt supremely happy throughout this entire shoot, and beyond...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tinder Sticks

Had such a great day of shooting, earlier this week...which I'm delighted to say, only added to the resounding feeling of rejuvenation that I'm so grateful to be experiencing lately...

"THANK You!" to the swell fella who gave me permission to stage several different shoots at his home, the other day...but more importantly - Thanks also for rekindling a fire that I've reluctantly, and unsuccessfully tried to extinguish for over a year now...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hung Up

am hung up...and I don't mean on a barbed wire fence, either...

Thank You so much for letting me shoot at your place...and for all of the other ways you've been good to me, lately...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Strip, Bitch

For last week's "Big Ugly Land of Oz" mirrors-themed challenge - Osmyn asked that we take selfpics in which at least two separate reflections of our likeness appear in however many number of mirrors we decided to use. Obviously more than one mirror would be necessary in order to pull such a thing off, but unfortunately for me - my plan to follow Osmyn's guidelines was foiled, when I arrived at Victoria's Secret to discover that I had mistakenly remembered the dressing rooms there having two mirrors each, instead of they actually had. Aaaand...since this week was so incredibly hectic, and I wasn't able to stage my weekly, self-portrait challenge pics. until just yesterday, in between several other engagements - I simply didn't have time to come up with anything different to try and do before today's noontime deadline...I'm sorry, Osmyn! Does this mean that my picture this week is disqualified?!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013


I dyed my hair the other morning...and then this happened...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Recurring Theme

Soooo...after being asked (has it been two years ago already?) to be a contributing photographer/model to Maxim Jakubowski's, "Mammoth Book of Erotic Photography, Volume 4" his labor of love has finally been published in the UK, and is slated to hit bookstore shelves here in The States - sometime this September! (For those of you who live in the Winchester, Va. area - The Book Gallery on the Old Town Mall has very kindly pre-ordered several copies, but they can also pre-order especially for you, as well!) I was beyond ecstatic, and completely surprised when I found my own two copies of the deliciously steamy book - peeking out of my mailbox, yesterday!

Clearly "Erotica" is a pretty heavy theme in my life, these the arrival of Maxim's fourth installment in the "Mammoth Book of Erotic Photography" series, doesn't fall far behind having been asked to speak on the topic of erotic photography - at Eroticon USA 2013, in October of this year. And although it has felt like it's taken practically forever for Maxim's book to finally be published - the timing ultimately wound up to be pretty damned perfect! I mean like, how cool will it be to have a veritable encyclopedia of erotic material, hot off the presses, right there at my disposal to use as a visual aid - while I'm doing my thing at Eroticon?!

All of this erotica-related news led me to then entitle 1 lb. Gallery's next call for photography entries, "Defining 'Erotic'"...duh.


"Defining 'Erotic'" - Call for Photography Entries

The word, "Erotic" by its arbitrary nature, is a rather tough one to person's idea of what's "erotic" to them - may be perceived as something closer to "pornography" in the eyes of another...or conversely - too "vanilla" to arouse any emotions, or sensations in another person, even yet...

For the October Exhibit - 1 lb. Gallery will be celebrating the arrival of  Eroticon 2013 USA, as not only does this mark the erotica conference's inaugural visit to The States, but also - 1 lb. Gallery owner, Lauralyn Brickhouse - will be speaking on the topic of erotic photography, as well as leading a self-portraiture workshop! We invite you to submit photos that depict your interpretation of what "erotic" actually means...and who knows? Perhaps your images will provide just the inspiration that Lauralyn needs in order to put the finishing touches on her Eroticon talk!

One Entrant will receive the "Juror's Choice Award", and will be the featured artist on the 1 lb. website for the month of October, 2013, as well as the special guest at the "Defining Erotic" Opening Night & Artist's Reception" on October 4th, 2013. "Juror's Choice Award" winners who are unable to attend the exhibition's Opening Night, have the option of, and are encouraged to Skype via the gallery's computer, over the course of the evening - so that they may talk about their work with the event's attendees. The "Juror's Choice Award" winner will also receive an archival quality 8.5" x 11" print of one of their images.

Up to 30 images will be chosen from the submissions, and will be on display in the "Defining Erotic" Exhibition at 1 lb. Gallery - until October 27th, 2013.

The Deadline to Submit is Saturday, August 31st, 2013

Winners will be announced by Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Images selected for inclusion in the October show, must arrive at the gallery no later than Saturday, September 28th.

We hope that you'll join us for the "Defining Erotic" Opening & Artists' Reception on:
Friday, October 4th, 2013

The fee to submit is $25 for up to 5 images, $6 for each additional image. No more than 10 total photos per entrant,  please.

Here at the gallery, we firmly believe that Smart Phone Photography is a legitimate art form, so please do not hesitate to submit images that were captured on your cell phones.

1 lb. Gallery offers free matting and framing for accepted photographs that fit our pre-cut mat sizes, for the duration of the exhibit. We will also print images that were selected for display in the gallery, should you prefer not to mail your print.

1 lb. Gallery does not take a commission on the sale of work by juried art show participants, we do however retain 5.3% Virginia sales tax.

Email Lauralyn at: with your questions.
Thank You so much for Participating - Best of LUCK to You!


So there ya' have it! More erotica-themed shiz than you can shake a stick at! 

(I promise that the next Big Ugly entry will actually include a new self-portrait, like it's supposed to...instead of just a bunch of self-promotion nonsense)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Gotta Let a Ho' Be a Ho'

This week's Big Ugly Land of Oz Self-Portrait Challenge, had Osmyn and me taking selfpics in public places where we would definitely be spotted by strangers, while we were in the process...

Luckily for me, the very nice new owner of the local XXX store - gave me permission to have at it out on the roadway in front of his establishment...THANK You!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pinkie Promise

The biggest, hugest, gigundo Thank You to my friends who invited me to come over and stage some self-portraits at their place, last evening! And as if that's not already enough to be grateful for, I also owe you two an enormous THANKS for agreeing to be the subjects in my first real photo shoot where my cameras were aimed at humans other than myself, for once! Seriously one of the most amazing photographic experiences I've ever had - I LOVE You Guys!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

All That Glitters is not Gold

Last week's "Big Ugly Land of Oz" self-portrait challenge theme was - "glitter"...(curse you, Osmyn Oree - Haha!) May I never havta cover my body in that godawful stuff again! If you're interested in participating in this week's challenge - we're asking that you stage a self-portrait shoot in a public place where strangers will definitely see you. Good Luck!

Also, real quick while I'm here - THANK You to everyone who came by 1 lb. Gallery on Friday night, for Kerri Lane's "LIVE CANVAS" photography exhibition Opening & Reception! What an incredible turnout we had!!!

And Thanks also to those of you who entered your photos into the, "I Know What You Did Last Summer" call for entries! It's gonna be a super cool show, I can't wait for you all to see it!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Idle Hands are the Devil's Playthings

I've got so much going on right now, it's kinda crazy - and believe me when I say, that is definitely not a bad thing! Unfortunately though, the one area of my life that has taken a bit of a backseat over the last couple of months - is my art...self-portraiture, specifically. 

So for this post, although I am dutifully sharing a (regrettably mediocre) selfpic (cuz it's one of the only newish ones that I have in the queue, at the moment) I'm primarily here today, with the sole purpose in mind of using this entry for the shameless promotion of a few of the exciting projects that have kept me distracted from self-portraiture, lately.

Having recently become the proud owner of 1 lb. Gallery (my shiny, new fine art photography gallery, and print studio) - has meant many long hours working in and on the space, learning how to use my kickass Epson printer to make some startlingly beautiful archival quality prints (Yip!), becoming accustomed to working with unfamiliar, and (for me at least) complicated software, lining up future exhibitions, etc... - all while simultaneously making my first ever sincere attempt at becoming a legitimate, contributing member of society - ME?! I know! Shocking, right? (worry not however, I shall always remain a slacker at heart!) Anyway, (somewhat surprisingly) the diametric shift in my daily routine - has changed my approach to each new day, for the better! Without benefit of an alarm clock, I rise absurdly early each morning, eager as hell to hop on my cute, little motorcycle, zip down to the gallery, and get straight to work on the various different projects that I currently have underway.

Segue to the promotional portion of this entry:

The first thing that I wanna either alert you to (assuming that I haven't already), or remind you about (if in fact, I already have) - is 1 lb. Gallery's first ever call for photography entries! 

Et Voila!

"I Know What You Did Last Summer" Call for Entries - August 3rd Deadline Approaching!

Summer (my personal favorite of all four seasons) is in full swing, here in the Western Hemisphere - but before long, the days will start to become noticeably shorter, shadows will gradually grow longer, kids will begrudgingly head back to school, and sadly - all of the summertime fun will be over...until summer rolls around again, next year...

For the September Exhibit - 1 lb. Gallery invites you to submit photos that will let us all know what you did, where you went, what you saw, or perhaps even something a little less literal, like simply how summer made you feel this year...or any year, for that matter...

One Entrant will the "Juror's Choice Award", and will be the featured artist on the 1 lb. website for the month of September, 2013, as well as the special guest at the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" Opening Night & Artist's Reception to be held on September 6th, 2013. "Juror's Choice Award" winners who are unable to attend the exhibition's Opening Night, have the option of, and are encouraged to Skype via the gallery's computer, over the course of the evening - so that they may talk about their work with the event's attendees. "Juror's Choice Award" winner will also receive an 8.5" x 11" archival quality print of one of their images.

30 Images will be chosen from the submissions, and will be on display in the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" exhibition at 1 lb. Gallery - until September 28th, 2013. Along with these images, 20 additional photos will appear on 1 lb. Gallery's online annex.

(Submission Guidelines & Instructions)

The Submission Deadline is Saturday, August 3rd, 2013
Winners will be announced by August 10th, 2013
Images selected for inclusion in the September show, must arrive at the gallery no later than Saturday, August 31st.
We hope that you'll join us for the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" Opening & Artist's Reception on:
Friday, September 6th, 2013

The fee to submit is $25 for up to 5 images, $6 for each additional image. No more than 10 total images per entrant, please.

1 lb. Gallery offers free matting and framing for accepted photographs that fit our pre-cut mat sizes, for the duration of the exhibit. We will also print images that were selected for display in the gallery, should you prefer not to mail your print(s).

1 lb. Gallery does not take a commission on the sale of juried photography show participants, we do however retain 5.3% Virginia sales tax.

Please Click Here to Submit!

Email Lauralyn at: with your questions.

Thank You so much for participating, and Best of Luck to You!

So, come ON, You Guys! I know that you all have plenty of summertime pics. in your photography collections, that I have no doubt would make this a diverse and compelling please consider making a submission - and don't delay! The deadline to enter is just two days away - this Saturday, August 3rd!!!


K, and my next (and last) order of business, is to invite all of you of course - but particularly those of you who happen to live in the Winchester, Va. are - to please come by the gallery tomorrow, August 2nd - from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. for the Opening & Artist's Reception in honor of photographer Kerri Lane, and her "LIVE CANVAS" Exhibition! In order to save (what's swiftly becoming precise) time - I've copied yesterday's blog entry from off of the 1 lb. website, and pasted it here:


Kerri Lane's "LIVE CANVAS" Photography Exhibition is officially up on the walls of 1 lb. Gallery - and I've gotta say, it's an utterly fantastic collection of unique portraits that she's made of gorgeous nude models, set against one of a kind backdrops - to both of which - Kerri herself first expertly applies the most delicious array of vivid or jewel-colored paints, before she begins the process of then turning the camera onto her subjects...



IMG_2971 you see what the heck what I'm talkin' about? Yeah...
Kerri's "LIVE CANVAS" Opening and Reception are this Friday, August 2nd - from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. at 1 lb. Gallery, and it's shaping up to be a most lively occasion - so do please stop by to join in on all of the merrymaking!
Oh, and here's another little nugget of awesomeness - Kerri will be making a selection of her images available for (limited) print, over the course of the evening. Interested buyers may choose an image, and the type and size of archival quality paper upon which they would like to have their print(s) made, after which I will print the image out on my Epson Stylus Pro 9900 printer - and lastly, Kerri will sign, and number the prints before you handful of lucky collectors out there, get to bring the gorgeous works of art back home with you. Nice, huh?
All righty then, so it's decided - we'll see you at the Opening this Friday night, excellent!


All right, so there ya' have it yo! I'm not sure which thing I'm hoping for see some (lots?) of you at the opening tomorrow night? Or to see your summertime-themed photography submissions show up in my inbox! Thank You in advance though, if you do decide to partake in one or the other, or both!

*Footnote: 1 lb. Gallery is no longer in operation, and its website is no longer active.