A new acquaintance of mine came by the gallery yesterday with a friend of
his, and after the three of us chatted for a little while about,
"Demons & Monsters" (the current exhibition on display at 1 lb.), we segued to a brief convo about my self-portraits. Somewhere in the midst of the new discussion, the acquaintance of mine asked (in such a shy and quiet voice, that it was almost inaudible), "So, is there a reason for why you pose nude as often as you do?". Without hesitation, I replied, "Cuz wearing nothing, is the easiest costume"…which apparently was not at
all the answer that he'd expected to hear.

And although that isn't the only reason that I pose naked in my self-portraits (as my new friend had correctly implied), lately it has felt like more times than not - I've opted out of donning any of the many different outfits that I do still make sure to bring along on my shoots - for the sake of expediency, and in an effort to not fritter away precious time on (oftentimes elaborate) costume, make-up and character changes…
So today, when out of curiosity I went to The Big Ugly to check out the sitch, I scrolled down the first page that's up right now, and realized that in every post except for the very last one, I am in fact nakey - uhhhh, whoops…Right away I knew that it might be time to switch things up a bit here on the blog, and luckily - after a really nice afternoon of shooting on Monday, I've come to this entry equipped with pics. that will allow me to break the naked streak! Right? I mean…these pictures do count…do they not?
Oh! And Thanks sooooooo much to my friend and her father, who gave me permission to take selfpics in their immaculate barn, while the most delectable, late afternoon, autumn sunlight streamed in through each and every doorway and window…I enjoyed myself immensely, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that!