Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Commando Mission

(All pics. snapped on 3/13/12)

This could very easily wind up to be one of those posts, that gets my dumb ass in a buncha hot water. Ya' see, unless I share the details about how I got these pics. - there's really no other story to tell. But if I do that - then some mean-spirited busy-body is apt to arbitrarily blow the whistle on me...and that's not just me bein' paranoid, believe me. 

"Now, why would someone do something as petty as that?" you might be wondering - and who can blame you...I guess. Well, believe it or not - this type of thing has happened before, and that's why I've got my guard up. 

Some of you may remember the Shot in the Dark entry from way the heck back in 2010. What you don't know however, is that not long after I posted that entry (in which I confessed to having been detained and questioned by a police officer, after he caught me trespassing in a public park after dark, while taking semi-nude pictures of myself in the gazebo) some meddlesome, anonymous caller contacted a local, county official - and angrily asserted that the Chief of Police ought to issue a warrant for my arrest, true story! I can't tell you how I found out about this (cuz I promised my informant that I'd always keep mum), but I can tell you this - it did in fact god is my witness, and all that.

I'll never forget how one friend reacted to the ludicrous, and perturbing incident by saying, "Well, Lauralyn? Hate to break it to you...but not everyone who reads your blog is your friend" And it's those very words that have me asking myself, "Should I open my big mouth? Or not..."

After weighing the balance, I've decided that withholding key info regarding this shoot, would be un-Big Ugly-like...and so - for the sake of providing at least a leetle meat for my readers - I've opted to run the gauntlet...*gulp*...Ok, here goes...

After a friend and I explored the grounds of a now defunct golf course, recently - I could not stop thinking about how badly I wanted to stage my next shoot there - not only on the sand traps, and once manicured greens, and down by the river that flows along one side - but most especially inside of the imposing manor house that sits up on a hill keeping watch over the property.

Here...Ya' want me to show you what it looks like?

Is that not freaking gorgeous? Can you understand now, why I became so suddenly and seriously obsessed with the stately structure, and its surroundings? And why I simply couldn't wait to go back?

On my first visit, after briefly surveying the grounds with my friend - we drove over to the old house to take pics. of the exterior., and while we did so - I snooped around trying to find some way, any way that I might possibly gain entry inside. Unfortunately though, every window and door was locked securely. I did notice however, that there was a single pane missing from one of the first floor window sashes. The opening was tight, and it was kind of high up - but by now I've learned how to make myself small, if need be. Hoping he might offer to give me a boost - I casually mentioned to my friend, "I think I could fit through there." "Eh...", he cautioned. "I wouldn't...the place might be rigged with motion detectors, or something."...True dat. 

It was windy and cold the day that I was there with my friend, and so after only about a half an hour - we hopped back in his truck, blasted the heat, and drove off...

Nine days later, I returned to the golf course alone, and with a plan. It was much earlier in the day than when I was there the time before, plus - it was unbelievably warm considering it was only mid-March. My strategy was to start out taking selfpics outside around the grounds (not gonna lie, my friend definitely had me nervous about what might happen if I did actually climb into the house through the broken window) and if my camera battery still had a charge after I finished outside - I would think about taking more pics. inside the house...maybe.

I never expected that anyone other than me, would be at the golf course when I arrived that day...but they were. There were cars parked in front of the old clubhouse, and golf carts buzzing here and there - I was shocked! I had no idea who all of those people were! Were they real estate agents and potential buyers? Property managers and their employees? Or possibly fellow poachers who had come there to take advantage of a beautiful day on a half-decent golf course with no green's fees. No matter why they were there though, those folks had officially foiled my plan...There would be no naked pictures out of doors for me that day...rats.

My only options were to either bail (no way) or execute Plan B...which I did, and here's how.

So there, I've done it. I've publicly admitted to (non)breaking and yet entering a private property in order to satisfy my incessant craving to photograph myself in off-limits venues...Wonder how long before all hell breaks loose...I'll be sure and let you know if anything happens...


  1. A location that amazing needs someone to get naked in it.

    1. @Catherine - I like the way you think, girl!

  2. Beautiful as always. Shame they let the place run down. Perhaps they could use your amazing shots to generate publicity to properly restore the place, giving you credit, of course, with royalties, for revitalizing interest in the estate...
    Just a thought... ;)

    1. @Melanie - Honestly, the house wasn't in terrible condition - considering it's size and looked like renovations had been started at some point...I'm guessing the work stopped because of financial issues. The home is currently on the's hoping someone snatches it up and restores it back to it's original splendor...

    2. That would be a site to see. The character of those old places... If the walls could talk. :)
      I look forward to seeing more of your work. Happy weekend!

  3. The photos are great. The location, sublime. The double entendre title (going "Commando Mission") is brilliant.

    This is one of your best.

    1. @KBC - Oh, WOW - THANK You! I actually didn't talk about the pics. in this post very much, because I was worried that they were a bit boring? Or something...It's a relief to find out that they didn't turn out to be a total disappointment :)

  4. So will you go back?

    1. @Anonymous - I doubt that I'll go back to take more self-portraits...rumor has it, the golf course will be reopening soon.

    2. That's too bad. I really like your style of photography and the story-telling.

  5. First shot is awesome... thanks! And completely off-topic, I think I remember you talking about using Instagram. I've got it, but have discovered another iPhone app that's much better... try Camera+ sometime. You can create some incredible images with it. Just FWIW.

    1. @Steve - Glad ya' like that first shot! My pleasure!

      Yeah, I'm sriram Instagram addict! I'll check out Camera+, too though - THANKS, Steve!

  6. I'm so confused, do you just find abandoned houses and take photos in them? How does this work?

    1. @Anonymous - Yes...I do. How does it work? Well...I decide on a building to use as a backdrop, I go inside, attach my camera to a Gorillapod, stand it on a little table that I always bring with me, set the timer on the camera for 10 seconds, dash to the spot where the camera is aiming, try to assume an interesting pose before my 10 seconds are up, and then I do it all over - again and again.

      Btw, the house seen in these pics. is unoccupied, but not abandoned. I take self-portraits in lots of different places...not just derelict structures.
