Monday, May 14, 2012

Just Some Body

(All pics. snapped on 5/13/12)

A coupla weekends ago, while attending my friends' Kentucky Derby party - the hostess handed me a frozen margarita (yum), and then asked if I would help her choose a new paint color for her dining room. After we mutually agreed upon a pale, yummy shade of creamy cappuccino - she then asked if I knew how to paint, by chance. When I told her that I did (adding that I happen to be pretty good at it, actually) she offered to pay me to do the work, if I'd be willing. I was like, "Oh, hell yes!" cuz ya' see? I've been having this teensy weensy problem lately, keeping my bank account outta the red...I was grateful for the opportunity to pad my pockets a bit, as well as extremely eager to do so. I thanked my friend ("H.B."), and told her that I'd be back bright and early in the morning to get started.

As hoped, getting paid for the nine hour job did help me start digging my way out of the financial hole that I seem to be perpetually stuck in...but little did I know when I signed up for the job, that it would also serve as a means by which to keep myself productive and distracted following an argument that I'd had with my honey, shortly after leaving the Kentucky Derby party...the final disagreement in an absurdly long string of 'em, that ultimately ushered in the beginning of our end...yyyeahhhh...

H.B. was so pleased with the way the dining room turned out, that she wondered if I'd also be interested in painting her bedroom...and naturally, I was! So last Friday, I returned to tackle the second painting project - and once again I was thankful for the money that I earned, but even more so for the chance to keep myself occupied doing something more constructive than friggin' crying all the time... 

At some point that day, H.B. (who works at home) called me into her office saying, "Hey, LL - come here for a sec....I've got something I wanna show ya'". Pulling up YouTube on her laptop, she asked if I'd seen the video for the Gotye song, "Somebody That I Used to Know". I said that I'd heard the song on Pandora a few times, and that I really did like it a lot - but that no. I'd never seen the video for it. We watched spellbound, as Gotye gradually blended into the geometrically painted wall behind him...and at that point, H.B. told me that for some reason (perhaps because I was there at her house painting? I dunno) the idea that I try to do something similar in my pics. to what they did in the Gotye video - had literally just popped into her head...and I liked it!

My own rendition of the concept wasn't near as complicated as what I'd seen in the video there on H.B.'s laptop...regardless though, it was a fun and different shoot for me to stage (which I must say, I badly needed) 

And so along with everything else that H.B. did to help this pathetic, old gal out last week - I owe her a huge debt of gratitude for also inspiring me to try something new in my pics.. THANK You for being a really truly great friend!!!


  1. For a poor "pathetic, old gal" you seem to be aquitting yourself quite well, artistically, creatively, and of course physically.
    These were very nice self-portraits.

    1. @Anonymous - Oooh, GOODY! I'm so glad to hear that you like 'em - Thank You! BTW, I'm not feeling nearly as pathetic and old, this week...actually been feelin' sorta spry, and alive!

  2. Love the FULL body blue shot- lovely figure,keep it up !

    1. @mr. nikon - That one's my favorite, too! Thanks very much, I'm blushing ;)

  3. This is a great change of pace in your artistic repertoire (I had to look it up!!). I loved the sequence of shots. BTW, next time you paint your whole body like that, I will volunteer to help you scrub all the hard to reach areas..;) lol.
    05/16/2012 AMC

    1. @Anonymous - Yeah, it definitely felt good to step outside of the box for a change!

      Haha! It was quite an ordeal getting cleaned up after this shoot, no shoulda seen my poor shower, woah...

  4. That is a great color on you? Very cool shots. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Master baker master painter you are full of talent .

    1. @Rick - Haha! Thanks! I chose this color because after looking through all of the cans of paint in my garage - this was the only one that matched a nice, big, empty wall in my house - plus, there was enough still left in the can to paint my whole body...

      Yesirree...feeling much, much better...Thanks!

      So...I'm curious...How did you know that I bake? I don't remember writing about that on here...

    2. Also the guy who now can't think about someone mowing without a picture of you in a bikini. I have had your cake and some bread very good indeed. I also hear the song posted now all the time and always think of this shoot now. Still owe you the pictures from mental hospital. Love the most recent shoot also hope ticks didn't have their way with you.

    3. @Rick - Ah yes, of course! Hey, yeah - where the heck are my pics.?! I'm planning on heading down that way the 2nd weekend in June...sure would be nice to have a visual to help prepare me for what I'll be getting myself into...THANK YOU!

  5. Replies
    1. @Rob - AWEsome! I'm so glad that you DO! Thanks for lettin' me know :)

  6. This series is totally amazing! Just love it :)

    xx Dee

    1. @Curvaceous Dee - Yay, and hooRAY!!! This was a super fun group to take...I was surprised by how good it felt to get this messy!

      As always - Thanks so much for stoppin' by, Chica! Makes me happy whenever I hear from ya'!

  7. Fascinating shoot! Thanks so much, Lauralyn!

  8. Love these, Lauralyn. Of course, we've shared our commonality in this genre. ;)
    (Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I have missed your site...)

  9. @Melanie - Yes ma'am, that we DO! Oh, and please don't apologize - I'm just happy that you come here at all! Hope everything's all right in your world :)

  10. Lauralyn, these are AMAZING! I am in awe.

    1. @Penny - In going through all of these old posts that I haven't so much as glanced at in eons - I'm kind of amazed that I was able to pull off MOST of my trickier stunts, haha! I wouldn't dare try doing half of what I did back then - nowadays…I've gotten too damn OLD!
