Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Gloves Are Coming Off

(You have no idea how badly I wish I could share the stories that go along with shoots like this's killin' me! Alas...I must keep mum…)


  1. I really ilke this picture, seriously creative, wonderful colors, beautiful model. Terrific all arund.

    1. @Advizor54 - Thank You so much! The sunlight fluctuated a lot, the day that I took this group of pictures...this snap was taken when a thin layer of clouds came across the sky, and toned down the bright sunlight a bit...

  2. I must agree with Advizor54. The colour is wonderful, soft lighting, great pose. And there I thought that you were into boxing.
    Also, I was wondering what had happened to your writing. I really miss your wonderful, twisted sense of humor. Please get back into it soon.

    1. @Raymond - I actually USED to train as a boxer, believe it or not! Best shape I've ever been was insane...

      I had to stop writing about my shoots, following my arrest for trespassing. I actually fell in love with writing a few years before I became so addicted to self-portraiture, and so to have been forced to eliminate something that's been terribly important to me for so long, is undeniably pretty devastating. My probationary period ends this June, but even then I don't think I'll feel comfortable enough to share the stories in detail, the way I used to. I think I'll always worry that someone will once again use the things that I say about my shoots - against me.

    2. I quite understand but my statement stands. I miss your writing as much as I enjoy your pictures. The resurrected posts do help in fulfilling my daily reading but being able to hear what you say about your current photos would be a huge boon.
      Let's hope that will soon be able to feel free enough to continue with the commentaries.

  3. I think this is one of your sexiest shots. I mean, who wouldn't want to be the guy in the letterman's sweater coming to take you to the hop?

    1. @Ted - Ah, that's so COOL! I never anticipated that ANYone would find this picture "sexy"! Just goes to show how little I know ;)
